Wednesday, September 16, 2020

№ 511. Zombie Preparedness. Since 2018.

The CDC, yes, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has a Zombie Preparedness page. 

For real. 

Its says:

"So what do you need to do before zombies…or hurricanes or pandemics for example, actually happen? First of all, you should have an emergency kit in your house. This includes things like water, food, and other supplies to get you through the first couple of days before you can locate a zombie-free refugee camp (or in the event of a natural disaster, it will buy you some time until you are able to make your way to an evacuation shelter or utility lines are restored). Below are a few items you should include in your kit, for a full list visit the CDC Emergency page.

  • Water (1 gallon per person per day)
  • Food (stock up on non-perishable items that you eat regularly)
  • Medications (this includes prescription and non-prescription meds)
  • Tools and Supplies (utility knife, duct tape, battery powered radio, etc.)
  • Sanitation and Hygiene (household bleach, soap, towels, etc.)
  • Clothing and Bedding (a change of clothes for each family member and blankets)
  • Important documents (copies of your driver’s license, passport, and birth certificate to name a few)
  • First Aid supplies (although you’re a goner if a zombie bites you, you can use these supplies to treat basic cuts and lacerations that you might get during a tornado or hurricane)."

Bangor University has a course in behavioral psychology which taps into this pop culture phenomenon. Its first class announcement was:

"Notice to all civilians: this module will run a little differently. The risk of infection is high, please report to the safe quarantine zone in Pontio Base Five at 1200 hours on Friday 30 September. Stay safe, stay alert, and avoid the Infected."
For real.
Bento Box:

Are we living in a simulated reality? How do we answer this question? How do we go about testing if what we are inhabiting is a binary or some other construct of a program or machine? Is there an escape or wake up pill like the one taken by Neo?

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